The International Workshop on Reconfigurable Transition Systems: Semantics, Logics and Applications is scheduled on November 5, 2024 and will be held at Aveiro, Portugal.
This is a satellite event of SEFM 2024
Reconfigurable Transition Systems (RTS) are dynamic relational structures (graphs) that evolve along its execution, in the sense that their accessibility relation, their set of nodes or their labelling change when their edges are crossed. These structures have proven to be suitable to compactly represent complex reactive and reconfigurable behaviours. Namely, the ability of reacting or readapting under the influence of certain events is a very distinctive feature of many diverse situations and objects. An autonomous vehicle that changes its route due to a new strike occurring, the behaviour of a software component after a memory disposal, or a DNA mutation as the result of a viral infection, are different examples that witness the importance of modelling about changes in a determined situation. Practical user cases have aroused the interest of the logic community in the study of variants of RTS, by developing formal methods to properly reason about such situations.
This workshop aims to bring together the whole community of researchers working on different ways to model reconfigurable and reactive systems from a formal perspective. This includes theoretical approaches (like hybrid logics, reactive frames, model-update logics), or formalisms designed for specific purposes (like separation logic in software verification, dynamic epistemic logic in AI planning, and others). Also, our goal is to devise novel approaches and potential applications, and share a common perspective on the discipline.
If you have any problems or questions, please contact us via e-mail at: rfervari@unc.edu.ar / martins@ua.pt
Submission deadline: August 27, 2024.
Notification of acceptance: September 25, 2024.
Camera-ready due: October 20, 2024.
Workshop: November 5, 2024.